Celebrating a century of advancing developmental science
At its founding in 1925, the Institute of Child Development was at the vanguard of a scientific field that was seeking answers to our most enduring questions about how children develop into adults.
A century later, the promise of research into development across the lifespan has paid back dividends and resulted in scientific and societal advances that have improved lives around the world. ICD has been at the center of this work and continues to lead the way in bringing the science of development to life.
This year, as we celebrate 100 years of research, teaching, and outreach, there are many ways you can be part of helping us recognize ICD’s rich tradition of innovation and excellence. Whether you are an alum, a supporter, or a community member, you are an important part of ICD's legacy and impact. We are looking forward to honoring the accomplishments of the past and building for the next generation.

You're invited to the Institute of Child Development's Centennial Celebration
Friday, May 2, 2025
5:30 - 8:30 p.m.
Carmen D. and James R. Campbell Hall
51 East River Parkway, Minneapolis
We are looking forward to marking this momentous occasion with ICD alumni, friends, and supporters. Please join us for this reception and open house to recognize the illustrious 100-year history of ICD and to garner support for the next 100 years!
This event is open to all. We request your RSVP by Wednesday, April 16.

Historical highlights of ICD
... This is the important point, the general level of the great majority of children will be healthier, and happier than they are now. While society through science will never quite catch up to the problems proposed in the home and by science itself, nevertheless, there will be a steady advance and an improvement of the general level. The problems of one generation will become the commonplaces of the next.
Interviews with former and current ICD directors
The legacy of ICD lives within the people who have passed through our doors. There are countless individuals—research participants, students, staff, and faculty—who have stories of how the Institute impacted their lives.
Part 1 of this video collection captures messages from our former and current ICD directors.
Stay tuned for part 2 later this spring when we'll share videos from alumni, current students, and our Child Development Laboratory School director.
Preview of an interview with Professor Emeritus W. Andrew Collins
Preview of an interview with Professor Emeritus Richard Weinberg.
Preview of an interview with Regents Professor Ann Masten
Preview of an interview with Regents Professor Megan Gunnar
Preview of an interview with current ICD Director Kathleen Thomas
In order by date of departure
Mary M. Shirley 1927-1932
Louise B. Wilson 1928-1932
Esther McGinnis 1928-1937
Edith Boyd 1927-1942
Josephine Foster 1926-1942
Marion Faegre 1928-1945
Florence Goodenough 1925-1947
Donald Brieland 1951-1954
Mary E. Fuller 1942-1956
Eugene Gollin 1955-1957
Pearl Cummings 1947-1958
Dale Harris 1942-1959; served as director 1954-1959
Evelyn Helgerson 1956-1959
John Anderson 1925-1961; served as director 1925-1954
John Hurst 1959-1961
Eleanor Robinson 1958-1961
Armin Grams 1957-1962
David Palermo 1959-1962
James Barnard 1961-1965
Rosalind Gold 1963-1965
Frank W. Harper 1961-1966
Paul Goldin 1964-1967
Britton K. Ruebush 1960-1967
John C. Wright 1960-1968
Joseph Glick 1968-1970
John P. Hill 1963-1970
Carl P. Malmquist 1966-1970
Robert D. Wirt 1960-1970
Harold Stevenson 1959-1971; served as director 1959-1971
Merrill Roff 1945-1972
Robert Wozniak 1971-1975
John Flavell 1965-1976
Mildred Templin 1947-1976
Sandra Scarr 1972-1977
John C. Masters 1968-1978
Thomas R. Trabasso 1976-1978
Daniel P. Keating 1974-1979
Catherine Lord 1977-1981
Philip Salapatek 1971-1984
Kim Dolgin 1981-1985
Marion Perlmutter 1976-1985
Shirley Moore 1960-1987
Leonard Breslow 1981-1988
James Morgan 1982-1989
June L. Tapp 1972-1992
William Charlesworth 1961-1995
Anne C. Petersen 1992-1996
Willard (Bill) Hartup 1963-1997; served as director 1971-1982
Anne Pick 1968-2004
Patricia Bauer 1989-2005
Charles A. Nelson 1986-2006
Xiaojia Ge 2005-2009
L. Alan Sroufe 1968-2010
Richard Weinberg 1987-2010; served as director 1989-1999
Herbert Pick Jr 1962-2011
Nicki Crick 1996-2012; served as director 2005-2011
Byron Egeland 1987-2012
Steven Yussen 1998-2015
W. Andrew Collins 1971-2016; served as director 1982-1989
Albert Yonas 1968-2017
Michael Maratsos 1971-2019
Maria Sera 1989-2023
Dante Cicchetti 2005-2023
Margaret G. Wood 1925-1926
Josephine Foster 1926-1941
Elizabeth Fuller 1941-1956
Evelyn Helgerson 1956-1959
Shirley G. Moore 1960-1979
Lynn Galle 1979-2007
Barbara Murphy 2007-2014
Sheila Williams Ridge 2014-present
1928 Dorothea McCarthy, Esther McGinnis
1929 Ella Day, Florence Justin, Mildred Parten
1930 Ruth Staples
1931 Ella Wieg
1932 Marion Mattson, Marjorie Page, Edward Rundquist
1934 Ruth Howard Beckham
1935 Wilton Chase, Kathleen McConnon Darley, Jean Marquis Deutsche, Amanda Herring, Alice Leahy Shea
1936 Edith Davis, Ethelyn Hurd Haslerud, Winona Morgan, Theta Wolf
1937 Evelyn Katz
1938 Louise Gates, Joseph Runkel, Russell Smart
1941 Alice Philp Breslau
1943 Mary Ford
1944 Katherine Maurer Cobb, Esther Prevey, Shearley Roberts, Marian Radke Yarrow
1945 Katharine Miles
1946 Esther K. Harris
1947 Mildred C. Templin
1948 William E. Martin
1949 E. Lakin Phillips
1951 William Griffiths, Leonora Lane
1952 David Brody
1953 Robert Biehler, Harriet Blodgett, Sarah Holbrook
1954 Sylvia Brooks, Albert Dreyer, Anna Martorana
1956 Leater Harrell, Julia McHale, Prem Pasricha, Conrad Wurtz
1957 Edward Clifford, Gene R. Medinnus, Wentworth Quast, Richard N. Walker
1958 Evelyn Deno, Eleanor Robinson
1959 Ronald Johnson, Murray K. Reed, Paul Whiteman, William Wolking
1961 Elizabeth Ring, Audrey Schechtman
1962 Mary C. Howell, Norma McCoy Irons
1963 Marian Dekker Hall, Rachel Clifton Keen, Richard D. Odom
1964 Sara Spear, Allen Armstrong, David Wicklund
1965 George Flamer, Lauren Harris, T. Kennedy Hill
1966 Richard Dubanoski, Claire Falk Etaugh, Robert Klein, Cynthia Gliner Margolin, Mary Rosekrans, Alexander W. Siegel, Judith Phillips Sill
1967 David Corsini, Carolyn Zahn Waxler, Robert Willoughby
1968 Marvin Daehler, Gretchen Holm, Leon Miller, Barbara Moely, Alan Moffitt, Daniel Smothergill, Dorothy Stein
1969 Wylla Barsness, Gordon Hale, Ada Hegion, David Warren
1970 Robert Bassham, Judith Chapman, D. Brian Coates, Alan Horowitz, Donald Kent, David Lachar, Patricia Hackney Miller, George James Rockwell, Sara Madden Ryan, Lawrence G. Shelton
1971 J. Richard Barclay, Lawrence Dettweiler, Thomas Hertz, Jeanne Jones, Jeffrey Kassel, David Louick, William Mace, Dolores Miller, Scott A. Miller, Eileen Moynahan, Judith Sims- Knight
1972 Nancy Cook, Paul Froman, Margaret Hagen, Gary Y. Larsen, Richard M. Martin
1973 Catherine R. Cooper, Robert G. Cooper, Alan Fink, D. Michelle Irwin, Rita Jeruchimowicz Jeremy, Robert Lasky, George Thomas Peters, John Santrock, Ingrid Tiegel, Steven Yussen
1974 Linda Potter Acredolo, Marjorie Arnold, Monica Christy, Frederick G. Danner, Daniel Frankel, Daphne Maurer, Carole M. Peterson, Richard Peterson
1975 Curtis Acredolo, Richard Aslin, Thomas Berndt, Janice Ralles M. Mokros, John Robertson, Lauren Joseph Rosenzweig, Henry Marvin Wellman III, Anthony Zold
1976 Rona Abramovitch, Sharon Louise Carter-Saltzman, Carl Nils Johnson, Muriel Kaye Stephenson Kerr, Stanley Abraham Kuczaj II, Jacobus Lempers, Elise Frank Masur, Kenneth Ritter, George Walker Rosenfeld, Harriet Salatas Waters
1977 Elizabeth Parker Anderson, Martin Scott Banks, Cleopatra Dontas (Vlachou), Suzanne Kasper Getz, Roberta Jean Goldberg, Harold Dennis Grotevant, Alison Mary Howie-Day, Joel Peskay, George Michael Pressley, Everett Bell Waters
1978 Dennis Allen Fenichel, Lawrence Joseph Fitzpatrick, Jacqueline Kwasniewski Hales, Bruce Barrie Henderson, Russell James Ludeke, John Jefferson Rieser
1979 Bruce Long Bobbitt, Emily Williston Bushnell, Lawrence Valar Clark, Lynn Terese Goldsmith, Royal Gene Grueneich, Nancy Lynn Hazen-Swann, Michael D. Lougee, Andrew Frank Newcomb, Richard Clay Omanson, Elliot Lee Saltzman, Donna Kathryn Spiker, Brian Edward Vaughn
1980 Edward Leo Cochran III, Martin Eugene Ford, Doran C. French, Karen Renee Gouze, Jeffrey J. Lockman, David Lynn Morris
1981 Judith Ann Becker, Roxane Harvey Gudeman, Amy Ruth Lederberg, Martin Joseph Hoffmann, Judith Ann Becker, Franklin Ralph Manis
1982 Jackie Elaine Gnepp, Joshua Louis Klayman, Celia Anne Brownell, Rebecca Keene Jones, Allen Hayward Keniston, David Barry Mitchell, Peter John Lafreniere, Kevin Francis Miller, Patricia Montgomery
1983 Judith E. Brady, Frederick Lewis Gove, Daniel Hinkel Ashmead, Michael Aloysius Kuskowski, M. Teresa Nezworski, Deborah G. Garfin, Judith Ann List, Michael Barry Reiner, Mary Josephine Ward
1984 Richard Alan Arend, Samuel Wayne Duncan, Marita Raubits Hopmann, Edward Joseph Schork, William Edward Merriman
1985 Dana E. C. Fox, Christine Johnson Todd, Rebecca Anzn Eder, Carl E. Granrud, Donald Rahe
1986 M. Margarita Azmitia, Carolyn Foster Palmer, Douglas Alan Behrend, Maria Pastuszek Cardle, Carlton W. Parks, Jan V. Goodsitt, Eufrossine Motti
1987 Judith Ellen Reisman, Jose Edwvigis Nanez, Roberta Lynn Paikoff, Tamar Erez
1988 Claire Dzur Harkness, Sarah Charlotte Mangelsdorf, Mary Anne Chalkley, Dana Lynn Gross, Van Roy Pancake, Deborah Bea Jacobvitz, Margaret Mary Miller
1989 Karl Sven Rosengren, Denise Anton Marvinney, Martha Eliz Arterberry, Brett Laursen
1990 Robert Corne Vansiclen, Susan Marie Bergmann, Michael Paul Leimbach, Michael G. Livingston, Martha Donley Robb, Ganie Bundy Dehart, Roberta Kestenbaum, Jodie Marie Plumert
1991 Nancy Hecht Leffert, Ann E. Ellis, Maureen Anne O’Brien, Lincoln Gibson Craton, James Gerald Elicker
1992 Nelson H. Soken
1993 Lisa Lynn Travis, Alexandra Evans Matthews, Gina Ann Annunziato Dow, Marian Kathleen Hiester, Anna Maija Poikkeus, John Roger Ogawa, Daniel J. Repinski, Jennifer Dawn Neemann, Daniel Benne Greenberg, Susan Marie Overhauser
1994 Sharon Leigh Muretwagstaff, Neisha Nicole Nelson, Edward R. McCrone, Sarah Ffolliott Sponheim
1995 Marian R. Heinrichs, David Taylor Schmit, Margaret Joan Urban, Eric Lee Reittinger, Scott David Gest, Gedeon Oliver Deak, Domonick J. Wegesin, Lana Suzanne Fust
1996 Michael Thomas Hatem, Donna Marie Miliotis, Karen Elizabeth Singer-Freeman, Ewa Ostoja-Starzewska, Andrea Karine Northwood, Michelle Kimberly Dehaan, Nancy Sue Weinfield, Mary Catherine Larson, Gail Stevens Fury
1997 Catherine Sullivan, Stephen Matthew Malone, Sunita Rani Duggal, Shane R. Jimerson, Adrian H. Teo, Kathleen M. Thomas, Amy Rebecca Susman-Stillman, Kathryn Ann Tout, Jon Jay Hubbard, Mary A. Ramirez
1998 Diane W. Bales, Leslie J. Carver, Diane Louise Bearman, Douglas Alan Gentile, Tiffany Aileen West, Emma Adam, Tracy Ruth Gleason
1999 Jennifer A. Schwade, Coral Frazel Luebker, Fiona Sian Anderson, Kathryn Mary Obrien, Alissa Karen Levy, Maya Gillian Sen, Thomas N. Dikel, Anne M. Sebanc, Jennifer Wenner, Maurissa Abecassis, Kirsten Condry, Jordan Lynn Hart, Susan Louise Pierce, David Allen Nelson
2000 Christopher S. Monk, Katherine Hennighausen, Nicole Elizabeth Werner
2001 Signe Andenas Bobbitt, Melissa Mae Burch, Akiko Tanaka, Art Sesma, Lisa Huston, Barbara L. Graham, Valerie Cheng, Stephanie Dawn Madsen, Jenifer L. Powell, Sara J. Webb, Michelle Ann Bosquet, Daniel M. Hyson, Michelle Rae Schuder, Elizabeth R. Disney
2002 Susan L. O’Donnell, Walter J. Curtis, Dana Louise Van Abbema, Glenn I. Roisman, Catherine R. Lawrence, Stephanie Meyer, Elysia P. Davis, Gerard B. Foo, Jennifer Ruh Linder, Benjamin Aguilar, Susan Whitmore Parker, Juan F. Casas, Kathleen E. Kremer
2003 Leilani Gjellstad Endicott, Maria Kroupina, Julie R. Morales, Tasha C. Geiger, Elena Padron, Marie- Gabrielle Josephe Reed, Kelly A. Snyder, Sandra Anne Wiebe
2004 Lisa Lehn O’Brien, Jane Willemina Couperus, Jamie Miles Ostrov, Jennifer Roberts Riley, Lisa Sarah Scott, Mari Grace Cary, Carol Lynne Cheatham, Chryle Ann Elieff, Rebecca M. Starr
2005 Jacqueline Michele Bruce, David Joshua Marcus, Heather Whitney Sesma, Jessica Mae Siebenbruner, Tracy Lynn DeBoer, Nim Linnette Grace Delafield, Elise Layton Townsend, Karen Elaine Appleyard, Darlene A. Kertes, Megan Cory Sampson, Tuppett Marie F. Yates, Janet Marie Alwin, Jean E. Burr, Susan E. Hickman
2006 Dianna Katharine Murray Close, Kathleen Erin Woods, Elizabeth Anne Jansen Yeh, Jill C. Carlivati, Tara Brianne Coffey
2007 Angela Lukowski, Jelena Obradovic, Amy Elizabeth Luckner, Lisa Simone Goldstein, Ozgun Evren Guler, Margaret Camella Moulson, Keith Byron Burt, Leif M. Stennes, Nicole M. Talge
2008 Melissa Leigh Chatham, Amanda Tarullo, Katherine C. Haydon, Karina Mendoza Quevedo, Anne Elizabeth Shaffer, Sara Gayle Kempner, Marina V. Larkina, Melinda Sue Kowalsky
2009 Nikki M. Kovan, Yoshito Kawabata, Elizabeth M. Oliva, Amber Joy Martin
2010 Katherine Ruth Gordon Millett, Gloria J. Whaley, Brianna Sue Coffino, Anita J. Fuglestad, Angela Tseng, Peter E. Marks, Adam R. Cassidy, Paloma S. Hesemeyer, Rebecca J. Shlafer, Kristen Louise Wiik Cruden, Amanda Christine Kesek, Julie Christina Markant, Julia E. Cohen
2011 Joseph John Cutuli, Amy Lynn Frane-Gower, Janette E. Herbers, Jessica Elizabeth Salvatore, Sara Elizabeth Langworthy, Danielle Marie Vrieze, Donaya Hongwanishkul
2012 Jessica C. Pleuss, Katie Lingras, Jason M. Cowell, Lisa Michelle Jagadeesan, Theresa Lynn Lafavor, Michelle M. Loman, Lindsay Catherine Mathieson, Rachel E. White, Wan-Ling Tseng
2013 Sherryse Leanna Corrow, Momoko Hayakawa Koenigs, Camelia Elena Hostinar, Sally I-Chun Kuo, Raquel Antoinette Cowell, Anna E. Johnson, David Myron Martin
2014 Jose Manuel Causadias, Wendy Seong-Cheng Lee, Kenneth L. Raby, Adriana Marie Youssef (Herrera), Jennifer Puig, Laura Michelle Supkoff Nerenberg, Sabine Doebel
2015 Caitlin Ann Cole, Adrienne M. Banny, Stephanie Blair Clarke, Elisa A. Esposito, Kathryn F. Hecht, Angela J. Narayan, Madeline B. Harms, Jamie M. Lawler, Christopher M. McCormick, Amy R. Monn
2016 Jenalee Rae Doom, Erin Christine Schubert, Chelsea Hetherington, Elizabeth Stephens Hoff, Clio Pitula, Julianna Karlen Sapienza, Eric Lee Thibodeau, Fatima Tuba Yaylaci, Amanda Sue Hodel, Timothy A. Allen, Emily Ostergaard Prager
2017 Amanda Wenzel Kalstabakken, Kelly Elizabeth Jedd McKenzie, Alyssa Sinner Meuwissen, Rowena Ng, Sandra M. Ahumada-Farias, Adrienne Amanda VanZomeren
2018 Katelyn M. Donisch, Alison S. Giovanelli, Madelyn Labella
2019 Jenny Yun- Chen Chan, Michelle Patrice Desir, Sarah K. Ruiz, Angela Joyce Fenoglio, Sarah Elizabeth Suarez, Rebecca L. Distefano
2020 Carrie E. DePasquale, Amanda K. Grenell, Christina Frances Mondi- Rago, Annelise N. Pesch, Brie Marie Reid, Max Herzberg, Jyothi Ramakrishnan
2021 Robin D. Sifre, Andrei Semenov, Brandon Kenneth Almy, Lauren A. Demers, Rachel Foster, Colleen Doyle
2022 Isabella Stallworthy, Julie Vaisarova, Faith VanMeter, Pearl Han Li, Keira B. Leneman
2023 Shreya Lakhan-Pal, Emily Reilly, Elizabeth Sharer, Meriah DeJoseph, Jasmine Ernst, Marissa Nivison, Alyssa Palmer
Names and years of graduation provided by the University's Office of the Registrar. Please report any corrections to icdcomms@umn.edu

A century of advancing developmental science
The Institute of Child Development celebrates its Centennial
The winter 2025 issue of the College of Education and Human Development's Connect magazine commemorates ICD's Centennial year. See the full story, more historical photos, and a timeline of the laboratory nursery preschool.
Ways to support
To celebrate 100 years of leading the way and to support the next 100 years, ICD is launching a $3 million fundraising campaign. We invite you to consider making a gift to support the priority areas identified below or other areas within ICD that are meaningful to you.
- ICD Program Development Fund - Provides the broadest support to ICD for developing academic programs, community outreach, research dissemination, and student and faculty needs
- ICD Alumni Doctoral Fellowship - Supports ICD PhD students
- N.J. Latini Fellowship - Supports early childhood education students
- Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health (IECMH) Fellowship - Supports students in the IECMH track of the applied child and adolescent development MA program