College of Education and Human Development

Institute of Child Development


Daniel Berry Daniel Berry

The Bioecology, Self-Regulation and Learning Lab My research focuses on clarifying the processes—mind, brain and environment—through which children’s experiences shape their abilities to control their impulses, purposely maintain and shift…

Daniel Berry

Stephanie Carlson Stephanie Carlson

  • Associate Director, Distinguished McKnight University Professor
  • 612-625-6127

Developmental Social Cognitive Neuroscience Lab I investigate basic developmental processes in executive function (brain basis of self-control) in children from infancy through adolescence, with a focus on the preschool period.

Stephanie Carlson

Jed Elison Jed Elison

The Cognition and Neurodevelopmental Studies Lab My research examines basic developmental processes that contribute to individual differences in social communication during the infant and toddler period.

Jed Elison

Damien Fair Damien Fair

  • Professor in the Institute of Child Development, Department of Pediatrics,and University of Minnesota Medical School, Redleaf Endowed Director, Masonic Institute for the Developing Brain

Developmental Cognition and Neuroimaging Lab Masonic Institute for the Developing Brain My research focuses on mechanisms and principles that underlie the developing brain.

Damien Fair

Gail Ferguson Gail Ferguson

  • Professor
  • she/her/hers

Culture and Family Life Lab My interests reside at the interface of developmental psychology, cross-cultural psychology, and clinical psychology, with a particular focus on understanding the implications of 21st Century globalization (e.g.

Gail Ferguson

Michael Georgieff Michael Georgieff

  • Professor - Institute of Child Development, Executive Vice Chair and Department of Pediatrics, University of Minnesota Medical School, Co-Director - Masonic Institute for the Developing Brain
  • 612-626-0644

Michael K. Georgieff, MD, holds the position of the Martin Lenz Harrison Land Grant Chair in Pediatrics. He is a Professor of Pediatrics, Developmental Psychology, and Obsetrics and Gynecology at the University.

Michael Georgieff

Megan Gunnar Megan Gunnar

  • Regents Professor, Distinguished McKnight University Professor
  • she, her, hers
  • 612-624-2713

Megan R. Gunnar is a Regents Professor, Distinguished McKnight University Professor and a member of the University of Minnesota’s Distinguished Academy of Teachers. She received her Ph.D.

Megan Gunnar

Ka I Ip Ka I Ip

My research focuses on three key areas: (a) the development of emotion regulation in both typical and at-risk populations, (b) the role of cultural contexts in shaping emotion regulation, and (c) how early adversity, structural racism, and social…

Ka I Ip

Canan Karatekin Canan Karatekin

Canan Karatekin is an associate professor at the Institute of Child Development. She has a BA in Psychology from Harvard College, and a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from UCLA.


Melissa Koenig Melissa Koenig

My research focuses on the factors that constrain and support children's social and testimonial learning. Together, my lab studies various aspects of trust, cultural learning, memory, language and cognitive development.

Melissa Koenig

Ann Masten Ann Masten

  • Regents Professor, Distinguished McKnight University Professor
  • 612-624-0215

Project Competence Research on Risk and Resilience - lab site currently being revised I study risk and resilience in development with a focus on multisystem processes leading to positive adaptation and outcomes in children and families whose lives…

Ann Masten

Charisse Pickron Charisse Pickron

Charisse Pickron is originally from Amherst, Ma. She graduated from Mount Holyoke College with a major in Psychology and a minor in Race and Racial Identity Development in 2008.

Charisse Pickron

Arthur Reynolds Arthur Reynolds

Early educational interventions, early childhood development, evaluation research, prevention science, and school & family influences on development.

Arthur Reynolds

Glenn Roisman Glenn Roisman

  • Robert Holmes Beck Chair of Ideas in Education, Distinguished McKnight University Professor
  • 612-624-7958

Relationships Research Lab Minnesota Longitudinal Study of Risk and Adaptation Professor Roisman’s scholarly interests concern the legacy of early relationship experiences as a foundation for psychological, interpersonal, physical, and cognitive…

Glenn Roisman

Kathleen Thomas Kathleen Thomas

Cognitive Development & Neuroimaging Lab My research interests lie in the development and neurobiological correlates of attention, learning, and memory functions during childhood and adolescence.

Kathleen Thomas

Sylia Wilson Sylia Wilson

  • Associate Professor, McKnight Land-Grant Professor
  • she, her, hers
  • 612-624-1551

The Family Cognitive Affective Neurodevelopment (Fam CAN) Lab I am interested in the developmental etiology of psychopathology--the underlying processes that lead to the development of mental illness.

Sylia Wilson

Philip Zelazo Philip Zelazo

Phil Zelazo (Hons. BA, McGill 1988; PhD with distinction, Yale 1993) is the Nancy M. and John E. Lindahl Professor at the Institute of Child Development, University of Minnesota.
