Erika DeAngelis
Pronouns: she, her, hers
Institute of Child Development
Carmen D. and James R. Campbell Hall
51 East River Parkway
Minneapolis, MN 55455 -

Areas of interest
Cognitive development; Early childhood education; Learning; Social and emotional development
PhD in Developmental Psychology, University of Minnesota, 2024
BA Psychology & Spanish, Amherst College, 2019
I am a recent graduate of ICD's Developmental Psychology PhD program and have been instructing courses in the department since 2022. In addition to teaching a course at ICD this year, I am currently a Visiting Assistant Professor in the Psychology department at Macalester College. I am passionate about translating developmental psychology research into knowledge that feels accessible and inspiring to students from all backgrounds.
My research training is in the development of social cognition, and I specifically explore how preschool and early school age children understand and use testimony to learn from others. I am also interested in the development of children’s social biases and prejudice and how these biases undermine children's social learning.
Courses taught:
CPSY 3308W Introduction to Research Methods in Developmental Science
CPSY 4302 Infant Development
CPSY 4303 Adolescent Psychology
CPSY 2301 & 3301 Introduction to Child Psychology
DeAngelis, E. R., Glaspie, N., Bisla, I., Pesch, A., & Koenig, M. A. (in press). When trust and mistrust are misplaced: Lessons in early childhood. In K. J. Rotenberg (Ed.), The Handbook of Trust and Social Psychology. Edward Elgar Publishing.
DeAngelis, E. R., Glaspie, N., Bisla, I., Pesch, A., & Koenig, M. A. (in press). Trust in testimony: acquiring knowledge and developing social understanding. In K. J. Rotenberg (Ed.), The handbook of trust and social psychology. Edward Elgar Publishing.
Li, P., DeAngelis, E., Glaspie, N., & Koenig, M. (2023). The collaborative nature of testimonial learning. Topics in Cognitive Science, 00, 1-16. doi: 10.1111/tops.12707
DeAngelis, E. R., Ridge, K. E., Gelman, S. A., Reyes-Jaquez, B., & Koenig, M. A. (2023). Understanding the value of non-obvious testimony: With age, A predominantly White, Midwestern sample of children prefer speakers who go beyond the evidence. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 231, 105652. doi: 10.1016/j.jecp.2023.105652
Palmquist, C. M., DeAngelis, E. R. (2020). Valence or traits? Developmental change in children's use of facial features to make inferences about others. Cognitive Development, 56.
Palmquist, C. M., Cheries, E. W., & DeAngelis, E. R. (2020). Looking Smart: Preschoolers’ judgments about knowledge based on facial appearance. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 38(1), 31-41. doi: 10.1111/BJDP.12303
Sumner E, DeAngelis E, Hyatt M, Goodman N, Kidd C (2019). Cake or broccoli? Recency biases children’s verbal responses. PLoS ONE 14(6): e0217207.