ICD PhD Student Highlights: 2023-24 Academic Year
Kudos to all ICD PhD students on your accomplishments throughout this year. You continue to amaze and inspire us! Here is a selection of self-reported highlights and accomplishments from the academic year of 2023-2024.
Jasmine Banegas and Hopewell Hodges led a symposium titled Integrating community-based participatory research and implementation science to deliver a multisystemic resilience intervention for immigrant and refugee youth at the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies 39th Annual Meeting in Los Angeles, CA. This symposium described preliminary findings on the feasibility and acceptability of TST-R in MN and VT Public Schools.
Jasmine Banegas also led a talk with colleague Laura Soltani and mentor Dr. Mimi Choy-Brown from the School of Social Work titled Implementation and Adaptation of a Multi-Tier Intervention for Immigrant and Refugee Youth: A Process Overview and Evaluation at Society for Social and Research 28th Annual Conference in Washington, D.C. This presentation described a process overview of how the Collaborative for Immigrant and Refugee Children’s Leadership and Excellence (CIRCLE) Project applied cultural adaptation frameworks to drive cultural responsiveness of a trauma-informed evidence-based multi-tiered model–Trauma Systems Therapy for Refugees (TST-R).
Erika DeAngelis presented the following first-author poster:
"When testimony causes harm: Investigating the role of race and gender in children's evaluations of epistemic injustice" at the Cognitive Development Society in Pasadena, California.
Bria Gresham shared the following conference acceptance:
Gresham, B., & Karatekin, C. (May 2024). A scoping review of neighborhood effects and health among youth: Social determinants of health. Poster to be presented at the Society for Research in Child Development Anti-Racist Developmental Science Summit: Transforming Research, Practices, and Policies, Panama City, Panama.
Sanju Koirala's research was selected to be a part of a press conference on depression at the Society for Neuroscience (SFN) conference. Koirala's research was selected as one of less than 50 out of over 12,500 abstracts submitted.
Sarah Pan had the following lightning talk accepted by Mathematical Cognition and Learning Society (MCLS):
Pan, S.E., Wackerle-Hollman, A., & Mazzocco, M.M.M. (2024, June). Increasing Family Support Professionals' Ability to Model Early Math Talk: Results from an Intervention Study. Lightning talk accepted by Mathematical Cognition and Learning Society (MCLS); Washington D.C., US.
Jay Santos presented the following title at the American Psych and Law Conference on March 23.
"Investigating the use of a multi-attribute utility tool to attenuate bias against LGBTQ+ defendants"
Diqi Zeng gave the following presentations:
Zeng, D., Munson, B. & Koenig, M. (Mar, 2024). presented the data blitz titled “Do children rely on genderedness in others' speech to decide whom to seek help from?" at the Biennial Conference Meeting at the Cognitive Development Society, Pasadena, CA.
Zeng, D., Wong, E. & Munson, B. (Mar, 2024) presented the poster titled “Unveiling the complexity of gendered speech in early childhood: efficient rater sampling for precise ratings on 5-year-olds” at the Biennial Conference Meeting at the Cognitive Development Society, Pasadena, CA.

Erika DeAngelis at the Cognitive Development Society Biennial Conference Meeting, March 2024.

ICD Professor Damien Fair and Sanju Koirala at the Society for Neuroscience conference.

Sanju Koirala speaking at a press conference at the Society for Neuroscience conference.

Bria Gresham shared the following publications:
- Gresham, B., Thyden, N., Gailey, S., & Osypuk, T.L. (2024). Effect of randomized controlled trial of housing vouchers on adolescent risky sexual behavior over a 15-year period. Archives of Sexual Behavior.
- Gresham, B., Corcoran, F., & Karatekin, C. (2023). Trajectories of academic performance over time: Differences by social determinants of health and the COVID-19 pandemic. Frontiers in Education. https://doi.org/10.3389/feduc.
Mirinda Morency shared a recent publication acceptance (with revisions):
- Morency, M., Donzella, B, Reid, B, Lee, R.M., Dengel, D.R., & Gunnar M. (Accepted). Post-adoption Experiences of Discrimination Moderated by Sleep Quality are Associated with Depressive Symptoms in Previously-Institutionalized Youth Over and Above Deprivation-Induced Depression Risk. Development and Psychopathology.
Awards and Kudos
Trevor Day has been appointed a T32 post-doctoral fellow at the Georgetown University Neuroscience of Language program.
Sarah Gillespie has been accepted into a clinical internship in the Child Track at Hennepin Healthcare in Minneapolis. She successfully defended her dissertation "Exploring the Causal Effect of Ethnic Studies Education through a Natural Experiment".
Bria Gresham is serving as President of the Association for Psychological (APS) Science Student Caucus and on the Board of Directors for APS.
Mirinda Morency completed a year-long assistantship with the Hennepin-University Partnership at the Center for Urban and Regional Affairs.
Mirinda Morency and Norwood Glaspie received a Tri-Psych award to host a Paint Nite event for graduate students from ICD, Psychology Department, and Educational Psychology Department. Fifty-three students across all three departments attended and painted with guest artist Roman Feldhahn.
Sarah Pan was accepted as a Graduate Recruitment Ambassador for the Graduate School Diversity Office.
Diqi Zeng has been awarded the University of Minnesota's Interdisciplinary Doctoral Fellowship for the 2024-2025 academic year.