College of Education and Human Development

Institute of Child Development

Michele Fallon

  • Instructor

Michele Fallon

Areas of interest

Child care; Infant and early childhood mental health; Social and emotional development; Vulnerable populations


Masters' in social work, licensed independent clinical social worker (LICSW), Infant Mental Health Endorsed (IMH-E)


Michele Fallon, LICSW, IMH-E®, is an Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Consultant with 40 years of experience working with young children and their families in a variety of settings. She has written curricula for the Minnesota departments of health and human services on caring for infants and toddlers in foster care, working with young parents and home visiting and co-authored an online course for the Center for Early Education and Development on working with parents with special considerations. Currently she provides infant and early childhood mental health reflective consultation and training for practitioners working with young children and families across disciplines. Michele is also an instructor in the IECMH program at the U of M.