College of Education and Human Development

Institute of Child Development


20 of 86 results

Welcome to new ICD staff

ICD welcomes three new staff members for the academic year 2024-25. Welcome to Hannah Baxter, Tom Boyle, and Addy Hernick!

Two recent ICD doctoral alumni win dissertation awards

Sophia Magro won the 2024 University of Minnesota Best Dissertation Award for Social Sciences. Marissa Nivison was awarded the Society for Emotion and Attachment Studies 2024 Dissertation Award for Excellence in Attachment Research.

Headshots of Sophia Magro and Marissa Nivison

Young Scientists outreach program celebrates 5 years

Since 2019, the Young Scientists Program has brought together faculty and students from the Institute of Child Development and middle school students from Ascension Academy in Minneapolis to explore developmental psychology research questions.

ICD Professor Melissa Koenig stands in front of a research poster with a group of middle school students

Five undergraduate students win ICD departmental awards

ICD presented departmental awards to five undergraduate students at the May faculty meeting. Dr. Chryle Elieff, Director of Undergraduate Studies for Developmental Psychology, delivered the awards and shared remarks about each of the students.