College of Education and Human Development

Institute of Child Development

Ann Masten and PhD alumnus Angela Narayan receive awards from Society of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology

Earlier this month, the Society of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology (Div 53 of APA) presented awards to an ICD professor and alumnus. Ann Masten, Regents Professor, received the Distinguished Career Award for Science and her mentee Angela Narayan, PhD '15, received the Abidin Early Career Research Award.

Narayan is now an assistant professor at the University of Denver. As part of the Abidin award, Narayan will also give a webinar presentation on Sept. 5. To learn more about the webinar on Childhood Adversity and Benevolent Childhood Experiences: Developmental Psychopathology, Social Justice, and Resilience-Informed Perspectives, click here