College of Education and Human Development

Institute of Child Development


87 of 87 results

ICD MEd alum Kyra Ostendorf publishes Child Care Justice book

ICD alum Kyra Ostendorf (MEd ’00) recently hosted a book launch event at Campbell Hall for Child Care Justice, which she edited with noted early childhood advocate Maurice Sykes. Ostendorf spoke about the process she and Sykes undertook to conceptualize and edit the book, which features chapters from contributors in the fields of early childhood […]

Gunnar presents to Minnesota Senate joint hearing on early childhood issues

Megan Gunnar, PhD, Regents Professor and Distinguished McKnight University Professor at the Institute of Child Development, recently testified to a joint Minnesota Senate hearing on early childhood issues. State Senator Melissa Wiklund, who chairs the Senate Health and Human Services Committee, convened a joint hearing on Feb. 2 with the Senate Education Finance Committee on […]

Paper from Ka I Ip recognized as finalist for Yale School of Medicine research excellence award

A paper from ICD’s newest assistant professor Ka I Ip, PhD, was recently recognized as a finalist for the Yale School of Medicine’s Office of Health Equity Research award for Yale Research Excellence in 2022. The paper “Associations among Household and Neighborhood Socioeconomic Disadvantages, Resting-state Frontoamygdala Connectivity, and Internalizing Symptoms in Youth” published in the […]

ICD PhD student authors MinnPost column on mental health effects of crime

ICD PhD 3rd year student Bria Gresham recently published an opinion piece in MinnPost’s Community Voices feature titled “It was a night like any other: A victim-oriented approach to crime in Minneapolis”. She shared the experiences of her husband, whose car was stolen and who was robbed at gunpoint while delivering pizzas within the span […]

Do grown-ups play pretend?

Alyssa Meuwissen, PhD, explores ways in which adults benefit from using their imaginations, just as children do.

ICD PhD student and post-doc 2022 highlights

Recent presentations Ferguson, G. M., Simenec, T. S., Banegas, J., Meeks, J. M., Nelson, M., Koester, B., Fiese, B. H., Powell, R., Harnack, L., Anderson, A., Ibrahim, S., Dwivedi, R., JUS Media Team. (2022, September). Transdisciplinary team science for   adolescent health: A data walk from USA to Jamaica and back. Presentation delivered at the Society […]